Saturday, October 22, 2011


The current Version of WeeKillBackground seems to be broken. I submitted a (fixed) update, it should be up soon!


  1. Current version (.005) is still broken. When button is tapped nothing happens.

  2. The apps remain in the switcher, but are closed. If although, you press close all apps, and then you open an app that was running, and it is still running (you can immediately use it, it doesn't load up with the splash screen), then It doesn't work. And i doubt that this is the case. It may be the case for a few JB apps, but for all system apps and all App Store apps the tweak works.

  3. Great updates bro! It use to work, prolly still does, but now, when i install WeeKillBackground it removes your creation ProTube! Thumbs up for being a dick!
