Monday, March 28, 2011

Installation error on "A iOS Style SBSettings Theme Lite" V 2.0

There has been an error made by mmi. The package gets installed into the wrong folder AGAIN, like in Version 1.0. I hope there will be a 2.0-1 soon. I apologize again but i cant do anything against it.


  1. I actually, reinstalled, remove & what not!!!. I did this with sbsetting and etc. Kindly inform about the update or kindly revert to the old version, it was working absolutely fine.

  2. Is possible move the folder whit iFile or something like this file manager? or the any way is wait for another major update?


  3. I really like your skin, hope you fix it soon. Thanks.

  4. I also really enjoy your sbsettings theme, probably the best out there as it matches the ios feel. Hope that fix makes it on there soon, curse them for fucking up twice.

  5. Hi
    I really hope that the fix will be up soon! This is making me so angry! You can manually move the two folders called iOS Style HD Lite and iOS Style SD Lite located in the directionary /Library/Themes to /var/mobile/Library/SBSettings/Themes.
    There are problems with the full Verion too but i hope that it will be accepted soon!

  6. Ok the update is now available & its working!
    Have fun with it :D
